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I Will Bear Fruit One Hundred-Fold

Updated: Jun 20, 2022

From the Prophets Desk - Prophet Latonya Peterson

A Hundred-Fold

There is a value that comes from being transformed into the image of Jesus Christ. We are in a transformation process when we come to Christ. Apostle Paul tells us in Romans 12:2, to not pattern ourselves after the ways of the world but to be changed or transposed by the renewing of our mind in order to deem worthy the good, acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

I was reminded of the story of the parable of the Sower in Luke 8. Verse 8, KJV is what was illuminated to me and says this:

and other fell on good ground and sprang up, and bare fruit a hundredfold. And when he had said these things, he cried, He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.

Transformation comes when we are consistently reading and studying the word of God and in all our getting, we need to get an understanding. I heard the Spirit say so clearly, that we need to have an ear to hear for this process to work. The word ear in the Greek pertains to the mental sense and means the faculty of perceiving with the mind, the faculty of understanding and

knowing. This ties in with the series of Transformations that we are learning at The Apostles House. We must be intentional of growth and understand what we are being taught.

The word comes in seed seed🌱 form and is germinated in your heart ♥️ but begins in the 👂 and as you begin to function on what you hear, thus manifesting your transformation. 🧬

Apostle Howard, said it well, you don’t have the fruit of the Spirit because you are not renewed in your mind. You can’t pray for those that despitefully use you because you are not renewed in your mind. And you can’t do what you need to do because you are not renewed in your mind.

I speak 🗣 to your spirit and over your life and declare that you will bear fruit a 💯 hundredfold. All of that you read in the word of God you will bear fruit a hundredfold.! You will walk in health a hundredfold! You will live life abundantly a hundredfold.! You will be the head and not the tail a hundred-fold! Your business will flourish a hundred-fold!

I decree that we receive the seed of this transformation word, on good ground. It will spring up and bear fruit a hundredfold 💯 . I speak the word of God over my life that I receive what God has said to me and I will bear fruit a Hundredfold

You will be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ A HUNDRED-FOLD.​


In His Service,

Prophet LaTonya,

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